Scientific program
The scientific program contains invited oral and poster presentations.
Overall topics for BOLFA & ICFAE 2024:
- Importance of milk for gut microbiome and human health
- Mammary gland – technology interactions in dairy and non-dairy species
- Transition from pregnancy to lactation
- Regulation of lactation and milk secretion
- Endocrine regulation of development, growth, and disturbances in metabolism
- Endocrine regulation of reproduction
Invited speakers and their topics:
- Jay Stock (Canada): The convergent evolution of adult human milk consumption
- David Mills (USA): Innovation towards a dairy-based platform for effective, next-generation prebiotics and probiotics
- Connie Weaver (USA): The importance of dairy foods for human health
- Graeme Mein (Australia): Milking research and practice: my 60-year learning curve
- Matthias Wieland (USA): Bimodal milk flow in dairy cows – risk factors, diagnosis, possible effects, and opportunities
- Douglas Reinemann (USA): Effects of liner compression and vacuum on milking performance and teat condition
- Morten Rasmussen (Denmark): Milking time testing as tool to detect udder health risk factors
- John Upton (Ireland): Optimizing milking performance by adapting pulsation and cluster removal
- Alex Grahofer (Switzerland): Producing piglets in a free farrowing system
- Kerstin Barth (Germany): Pros and cons of cow-calf-contact systems in dairy farming
- Sarah Reed (USA): Exercise and lactation in horses: What do we know?
- Karl Klisch (Switzerland): Placental contribution to the endocrinology of gestation and parturition
- Kerst Stelwagen (New Zealand): Hormonal control of mammary blood-milk barrier integrity
- Chris Knight (United Kingdom): The history of research into nutrient transfer from mother to neonate
- Marion Boutinaud (France): Hormonal and nutritional regulations of lactation persistency in dairy ruminants
- Pierre Lacasse (Canada): Systemic and local control of milk secretion
- Frank Dunshea (Australia): The role of prolactin and the prolactin receptor in adapting to and mitigating heat stress
- Teresa Davis (USA): Nutritional and endocrine regulation of muscle growth in neonatal swine
- Helga Sauerwein (Germany): Growth factors and adipokines involved in growth regulation
- Lucia Unger (Switzerland): Obesity in horses and donkeys - when do we talk about metabolic syndrome?
- Akio Miyamoto (Japan): Local and systemic regulation of endocrine and innate immune system by sperm and embryo toward early pregnancy in cattle
- Matt Lucy (USA): Somatotropic axis and follicular dynamics
- Geert Opsomer (Belgium): Role of the innate immunity in the postpartal uterine disease complex in modern high yielding dairy cows